Senin, 23 November 2009

Smart Card-English Version


First time maker smart card technology is the first Japanese man named Kunitaka Arimura in 1970. He patented his invention is only limited use only in Japan alone. And manufacture under license must Arimura.
In the year 1974-1976, Rolang Moreno in France made a patent some functional aspects of smart cards and sell the license to a company called Bull and other companies. Then Bull develop aspects of the smart card microprocessor and holds licenses technology related to smart card microprocessor.
Meanwhile, Innovatron, Moreno's company, trying to take the legal route and aggressive policy to license its smart cards in the world limiting the number of companies developing this technology. But the most important patents on smart cards have expired in 1996.
In accordance with the opinion Moreno, the most important aspect is the smart card access control function to the information contained in the smart card with a password or techniques other internal functions to ensure the security of information. This function will make it harder logic chip but will simplify the work related to other systems associated with encryption and key management.


Smart cards are often referred to as chip card or integrated circuit (IC) cards. Definition chip card itself is a general category that includes smart cards and memory cards. Smart cards are plastic cards containing a memory chip and microprocessor. This card can add, delete, modify the information contained. The advantage is the smart card does not need to access the database on the server because there is some inherent in the cards. As for memory cards fitted with silicon without the microprocessor memory.
The basic function of a smart card is to identify the card holder to a computer system. Cardholder here is the original owner of the card. Identification of authentication involves the organization that made the card and the cardholder and access rights. Some things to consider in the card identification method is: whether the card can be:
- Confirm cardholder identity before accessing data
- Provide data for confirmation to an external device, system or individual.
- Provide data to the system without checking those who use.


Smart cards can be classified based on:
- Function, which is the most fundamental difference between memory cards and microprocessor cards
- Access mechanism, namely contact and contactless
- Physical characteristic, seen from the size and shape

The following are different types of smart cards available:
1. Memory Card
Smart cards are the simplest. This card contains only a memory circuit which can be accessed through contact with a synchronous protocol. In memory there is a protected area accessible only to receive a specific security code. There are also restrictions if there is external applications that wish to access the memory. There are also several types of memory cards that provide authentication services. The size of data that can be stored in it is not too large, about 100 bits - 10 kb. This card is used for accounting applications such as telephone cards, transportation cards and vending cards.

2. Microprocessor Card
Smart card has a memory and microprocessor circuit in one chip. All access to be through a microprocessor card. Their own data can be accessed only if it has gone through a kind of security logic. There is an interface to I / O that can have different forms between cards. In terms of security, microprocessor practically difficult to counterfeit. This development is now replaced by the State microprocessor change. This is done because the microprocessor is not limited in terms of speed and memory capacity. State change of Programmable Gate Array (PGA) which are smaller and can emulate the function of microprocessor with a better speed. Right now, this card is also given the ability to perform such cryptographic adddress srambling memory, auto-detection hacking, power-circuit manipulation, and electron microscopy.

3. Contact Card
This card is an early version of the smart cards in circulation in Europe. This card is a smart card which has a contact chip. This card must be inserted into the reader to conduct transactions or communicate information from the card reader. The drawback is:
- His contact point can be damaged due to frequent use, a bad reader, or rubbed on the bag,
- End of microcircuit can be damaged if the card is bent or pressed too hard,
- Easily attacked through the card contact point,
- Damage that occurs in the contact reader device is a mechanical device for use that is not good or because of physical attacks.

4. Contactless Card
This card is a type of smart card using radio frequency (RF) to exchange information. So this card does not need physical contact to the reader / terminal to exchange information. This card contains the microcircuit is enclosed in the card, so this card should only brought closer to the reader without direct contact to exchange information. Contacts between card and reader depends on the sensitivity of reader. Widely used for transactions that emphasizes the element of speed, especially in the transportation industry.
The good news is:
- More reliable,
- Maintenance fewer than contact cards,
- His lifespan longer than the contact card.
As for shortcomings, among others:
- Not suitable for large data exchange,
- Its size is greater than the contact card and there is no standard size,
- The number of manufacturers making the card a bit so that kind of limited,
- The price is relatively more expensive than contact cards.

5. Hybrid Card
Smart card that uses two existing technologies in the contact card and contactless cards. So that there are contact devices and antenna in a single card. The card itself is using one microprocesor and some that use two microprocessors. This type of card is designed to make users able to use the cards in many applications.
There are also combi card terms similar to the hybrid card but need a tool called the pouch to change the function of contact cards to contactless cards. And his contact means is located antenna from the pouch while the transmission medium used is radio waves. Security level hybrid card is better than combi card because the radio waves is very easy to infiltrated and this will reduce the level of card security.

6. Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card
Smart cards are small and can be programmed with the subscriber's identity key to the service provider. This key is used to identity to a digital mobile service and the type of service used. SIM card can be installed permanently into the phone or removable. SIM is useful for the security key used by GSM networks.

7. Removable User Identity Module (R-UIM) Card
Smart card that functions as a SIM card but for a phone with CDMA technology. This card enables communication between the two networks.

8. Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) Card
Development of the SIM card that will be used in 3G network technology. This card will be included in 3G equipment and networks used for authentication and other functions.


The discussion will be divided based on the component parts smart card base
Basic materials used for manufacturing smart card is a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or thermoplastic type. These materials are used because they are inexpensive and can be emboss. Other materials that can be used are acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) are more resistant to high temperatures, Polycarbonate is used for mobile-phone cards, and polyethylene terephthalate (PETP) is widely used in Japan as a flexible and lightweight. Criteria in the selection of material is long lasting reliability / not easily damaged and better heat resistance.

2. Chip
Main Kompenen the IC card is installed in the card. The contents of this chip can teridiri from memory, microprocessor or the PGA chip.
a. Micoprosessor
Most smart cards have 8-bit microprocessor, with the design of Motorola 6805 or Intel 8051 premises highest clock speed of 5 MHz .. But the existing 16-bit microprocessor and more possible future faster. RISC microcontroller widely used in smart cards for applications that need to speed the process than multifunctions.

b. Memory
Memory takes place in the largest smart card ICs. Memory is divided into 5 areas based on the type of semiconductor memory used: - Read-only memory (ROM), which contains a permanent program that must exist in the card, called the mask.
- Programmable ROM (PROM) is used to load the card serial number and value of other permanent
- Flash memory, as an additional program tempoat.
- E2PROM, is the largest part of memory for data storage
- Random Access Memory (RAM), used for temporary data storage when the card is being used
- Ferro-electric RAM (FRAM), RAM is able to store nonvolatile data.
The composition of each part depends on the use of memory cards used

c. Coprocessor
Part chip designed to perform arithmetic operations in cryptographic functions sepertri DES or RSA encryption.

d.Memory Management.
Mengontol used for memory and provides hardware protection from invalid access. This protection uses a hierarchical method of data files.

e. I / O
Microprocessor smart cards using a single bidirectional serial input-output interface. This method in accordance with ISO 7816-3 standard of communication protocols.

3. Contact
Contact cards have less than eight points of contact. The position and design tailored to ISO 7816-2. Although so many people, especially in France, which uses the design of transition position (upper left corner). Contact was made of gold or other berkonduksi materials. These contacts are connected to the chip with a very thin wire.

4. Antenna
Contactless cards using signals with radio frequency (RF) as transmission media I / O. antenna so that the antenna mounted on the card as a coil. The antenna also functions to get the energy from the RF, in addition to the existing battery in the card. The signal has a frequency that is used 135 kHz or 13.56 MHz. If using a low frequency, low energy and diperluakan could achieve coverage of 1m, but the low data transfer speeds. Meanwhile, if using high frequency, it will take a higher energy, but high transfer speed.

5. Mask
Mask is permanaen programs in ROM, often referred to as a smart card OS. The difference with the PC OS in general is a Mask perform functions such as reducing the value of the application, comparing the digital signature and the existing pattern. Types of smart cards themselves are subject to the existing mask while using the same microprocessor. Mask programmed when the chip was first created, so that security depends on its manufacturing process.


There are various types of technology used in smart cards, among others:
1. Standard
Several standards organizations to introduce compatible to each other and can be used in general, including:
- ISO 7816 which defines the contact card
- EMV (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) result of cooperation between the three credit card companies to develop the ISO 7816 by adding functions associated with the bank more detail
- ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard Institute) standards with the use of smart cards and public mobile phone system.
2. Hybrid
Smart card technology has a lot to be used in general. Example: the smart card using a magnetic stripe technology. Things to consider is the safety factor and the priority use of existing technologies depend on the situation and conditions.

3. PCMCIA Card
This technology is triggered by the development of laptops who want portable memory and interface cards that are smaller and standardized. So the Personal Computer Memory Card Industry Association (PCMCIA) issued three standards of manufacture small memory cards and hard drives with a 10.5 mm thick.

4. Barcoding
This technology is widely used for cheap production and lots of reader support. But the security level is less good. Barcode uses infra red and only a read-only.

5. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Control RFID is used for access, traffic, and other industrial applications. Tag on the instrument, which has various forms, has an antenna. If close to the reader, this antenna will generate power to light circuit in the tag and transmits the tag ID number. Most RFID also is read-only.


Smart card applications including credit or ATM cards, fuel cards, SIM cards for HandPhone, public transport and public phone payment card.
Smart cards can also serve as an e-wallet that can be in-fill the amount of money that can be used as a means of payment in parking lots or vending mechine.

SmartCard can also be used as a means of individual identification. Because Smard Card have the data storage area that can say, then the card can be used to store one's data. The data can be stored in the smart card include: self identity number (ID card), residential address, date of birth, number authentication, etc..
Smart Card in the field of identification can be used as:
• ID Card
With the ability of smart cards store various information about the personal data of a smart card can be used as an ID card or the identity cards.
• Access Card
At the company, smart card applications can be used as an access card to enter into a room that no one can enter at random, for example: the DataBase.
• Medical Card
Smart cards can be used by the Hospital as a patient record. The data can be stored in the medical card include: blood type, allergies suffered by the patient, patient treatment records, etc..



Benefits of a Smart Card the card is in the form of protection against data already stored in the card. Security contained in the Smart Card system is not only in the chip alone, but there are also security in applications and at the time of the Smart Card itself. The chip contained in the Smart Card security ensures data contained in it, namely by using encryption that can not be read easily by others. Applications are made to the Smart Card will also use the security design, ie the application is made olehg authorities only. Even making these cards also include security, namely by keeping the card for it.

Another advantage is the form of storage capacity greater than magnetic cards. Magnetic card can only menyimpan140 bytes used to store a PIN code and data used to make the application log. While Smart Card has a data storage sizes vary, the 1Kbyte, 2 Kbyte, 22 Kbytes, and 31Kbyte. In the Smart Card contains not only the PIN code and log data, but also keeps the operating system that can control the activities that occur on the Smart Card.
Card Smart Card is difficult to emulate intuk than ordinary magnetic tape, because the Smart Card using the chip in the card and this card also has a unique serial number. If the security of this card is done by calculating the hash of the card serial number, then the imitation of this card is not possible.
Another advantage is that Smart Card can be used again. For example a nominal amount contained in the card is used, then the card can be recharged by filling a certain value on the card. Unlike the magnetic cards that can only be used one time only.
The function of the Smart Card is not only limited to the initial function has been applied to the Smart Card is, but also the function can be added to the Card.Misalnya Smart SIM card GSM services, as well as mobile phone cards, these cards can also be used as a personal ATM card or also as a connection to the Internet.

Although the Smart Card technology, including sophisticated equipment, it still has shortcomings. Several other shortcomings of the chip is easily broken in the Smart Card, the risk of loss, the owner privacy issues, and the cost.
Chip embedded on the Smart Card can be easily damaged if exposed to pressure and a magnet. The possibility is getting bigger because the card is usually placed in a wallet that is placed on the pants, so that when collapsed, can increase the pressure on the chip.
The more sophisticated the technology, Smart Card, it will be more and more data can be stored in a transaction. So, carrying the transaction can be tracked, so the privacy of the owner of Dapa card from a database monitored by the person who can monitor these databases.
Smart Card is the latest technology, so as to implement a Smart Card application is on a firm, it would require significant costs in the purchase of hardware or purchase a license from the use of the features included Smart Card.

Aplication Of Smart Card

Rimo is a smart card e-cash cards issued by PT.RIMO CATUR LESTARI, as the first shopping card chip berteknolgi in Indonesia. This card is issued as a means to capture the consumer or buyer is subscribed to collect shopping points of products, so that with the increase in the purchase, the consumer or the customer will get more and more points. If the points are the product purchases in a year collected 60 points, then the Rimo cardholders get a Smart Card e-Cash for Rp.75.000.
To get a smart card Rimo is very easy to just pay Rp.25000 and fill the application form. Card holders are required to submit Rimo card before dealing to get points. Nominal expenditures paid by using a shopping vouchers or e-Cash does not get points. Card owners can exchange points with e-cash at the counter with the surrender Customer Service Rimo card and a valid identity card according to computer data. Points and e-Cash can be obtained not refundable, not transferable to another person, and can not be merged from one period to another period.
e-Cash which can be used to pay for all products including cosmetics, perfume and discount products. The number of points that are not mencapi 60 at the end of the period declared no longer valid. Exchange points with e-Cash and payment with e-Cash only be done a maximum of one month after the end of one period. When the time limit, then the points and e-Cash is declared no longer valid.

This card can be used by putting on Rimo Card Reader when transacting. This card does not require PIN numbers or signatures to authorize its use.

Following Rimo card program:
1. Shopping Rp.25000, - (valid also for multiples) get 1 point.
2. Rate of return ranging from 5% to 15%.
3. Minimum of 60 points can be redeemed for 75,000 e-Cash. The more points the higher the percentage of e-Cash acquired.
4. e-cash is used to pay up to 100% of the nominal net expenditure (without limitation nominal).
5. Collection points every period January 1 to December 31, except that joined in the fourth quarter, are automatically taken into account until December next year.
6. Applicable in all stores Rimo.

Table Redemption by e-Cash
Expenditure Amount Total Points Total e-Cash Return Value

Expenditure Amount

Total Points

Total e-Cash

Return Value





















Characteristics Rimo card:
- Card Rimo first shopping card chip technology in Indonesia.
- Rimo card does not charge an annual fee.
- Rimo card not a credit card, debit card or warranty card.

This card has several advantages, namely:
- E-Cash up to 15%
More and more spending, more spending refund
- Special Price & Discount
Offer a variety of products with special prices and discounts are interesting variations
- Instant Redemption
Every time shoppers can instantly e-points and can be used instantly Cashnya
- Birthday Rewards
Always something special for the card holder's birthday.

Several shortcomings Rimo Card are:
- Does not require authorization to use this card cause this card has a low security level
- Unable to fill balance for the payment transaction.


Smart Card technology that has been applied to Rimo card can provide advantages in terms of shopping for consumers. So that this technology is proven to work in the general environment and applied to everyday technology. But with this simplicity is also necessary sacrifice in terms of security.
Each technology has advantages and disadvantages, but in the use of Smart Card at Card Rimo has more advantages than disadvantages. So the use of Smart Card applications is very good to apply to the community.

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